New Platinum Superoxo Complex. Kiselev Yu.M., Pankratov D.A., Shundrin L.A., Kiseleva I.N. //Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 1996. V. 41. № 12. P. 1963-1966
Products of oxidation of Pt(IV) hexahydroxo complexes with ozone in alkali media have been studied with physicochemical methods (electron spectroscopy, EPR, and cyclic voltammetry). The oxidation product is pink at alkali concentration in solution higher than 5 mol/l. The pink complex represents previously undescribed platinum superoxo complex with a bridging O2- group.
Our previous study concerned the possibility of preparing platinum compounds in unusually high oxidation states from alka1ine solutions under the action of ozone. In that study, we detected a blue platinum superoxo complex of binuclear structure with the O2- bridging group. The bridge structure of this complex was supported by ESR, and the complex was show to form only at rather low alkalinity. At higher alkali concentrations (cOH- > 5 mol/l), a similar reaction results in a pale pink complex containing oxidizer.
Solid Platinum Superoxo Hydroxo Complex. Pankratov D.A., Komozin P.N., Kiselev Yu.M. //Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 2000. V. 45. № 10. P. 1555-1559
Solid samples isolated from solutions of a platinum superoxo hydroxo complex are studied by EPR and X-ray powder diffraction techniques. The short-lived superoxo complex is found to form upon dissolution of the solid samples in concentrated acids. Magnetic resonance parameters of the platinum superoxo complexes in the solid state and in acidic solutions are determined. The structures of the inner coordination sphere of the found superoxo complexes are discussed.