EPR Spectroscopy Of Transformations Of Iridium(III) And Iridium(IV) Hydroxo Complexes In Alkaline Media

Schematics of transformation of iridium compounds in alkaline solutions (where the area of each block is proportional to the number of moles of a reagent involved in reaction)EPR spectroscopy of transformations of iridium(III) and iridium(IV) hydroxo complexes in alkaline media. Pankratov D.A., Komozin P.N., Kiselev Yu.M. //Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 2011. V.56. №11. P.1794-1799.Search the full text below. Ищи полный текст ниже.

Processes that occur in strong alkaline solutions of iridium(III) and iridium(IV) hydroxo complexes have been studied by EPR and electronic absorption spectroscopy. It has been demonstrated that dissolution of iridium compounds in alkaline solutions should be accompanied by a series of complicated transformations involving oxygen, which lead to the formation of several binuclear iridium(III, III), (III, IV), and (IV, IV) dioxygen complexes.

Most research into the chemistry of platinum metals has focused on their complexes. However, the chemistry of their hydroxo complexes is still one of the least studied fields. There are both objective (experimental complexity of operation in alkaline and strong alkaline media, tendency to polymerization of many hydroxo compounds, and others) and subjective reasons for this situation. In particular, it is believed that the chemistry of platinum metal hydroxo complexes is insufficiently diverse. Nevertheless, we previously showed the possibility of the existence of platinum(IV) hydroxo complexes as mono- and binuclear as mono- (superoxo-) and bi- (hydroxo- and superoxo-) bridging superoxo complexes of different composition forming under oxidative conditions in strong alkaline media.


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Structural Features of Green Cobalt(III) Hydroxide

Deconvolution of emission Mossbauer spectra for green cobalt(III) hydroxide at 78 K and 298 K according to model 2
Structural Features of Green Cobalt(III) Hydroxide. D. A. Pankratov, A. A. Veligzhanin, Y. V. Zubavichus //Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2013, Vol. 58, No. 1, pp. 67–73Search the full text below. Ищи полный текст ниже.

Emission Mössbauer and X-ray absorption XANES/EXAFS spectroscopic techniques are applied to elucidate the structural features of green cobalt(III) hydroxide. A comparative analysis of structurally characterized cobalt(II) and cobalt(III) oxo-compounds shows that the parameters of the local environment of cobalt atoms in green cobalt(III) hydroxide differ substantially from those of its analogues.

According to several reports of the late 50's of the twentieth century, the low-temperature reaction of cobalt(II) chloride with hydrogen peroxide in alcoholic media in the presence of sodium hydroxide affords dark green cobalt(II) peroxide. Although this synthesis protocol is broadly recited (in particular, it is described in all editions of the classical manual on inorganic synthesis by N.G. Klyuchnikov starting from 1965), the formation of such a simple cobalt(II) peroxide compound seems hardly possible. 


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Transformation Of Hydroxo Complexes Of Iridium (III) And (IV) In Alkaline Solution

XIX Менделеевский съезд по общей и прикладной химии. Волгоград, 25-30 сентября 2011 г

Панкратов Д.А., Киселев Ю.М. Превращения гидроксо- комплексов иридия (III) и (IV) в щелочных средах. /XIX Менделеевский съезд по общей и прикладной химии. Волгоград, 25-30 сентября 2011 г. Тезисы докладов в 4 томах, Волгоград: ИУНЛ ВолгГТУ, Т.1, 635 стр, (С. 328).

Комплексом физико-химических методов изучены процессы, протекающие в сильнощелочных растворах гидроксокомплексов иридия(III) и (IV). Показана решающая роль кислорода в реакциях образования сильноокрашенных комплексов иридия, являющихся биядерными дикислородными соединениями иридия – [(OH)5IrIV(μ-O2-)IrIV(OH)5]3- и [(OH)4IrIV(μ-O22-)(μ-OH)IrIV(OH)4]3-.


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Mössbauer Diagnostics of the Isomorphic Substitution of Iron for Aluminum in Triclinic Iron Vanadate

Dependence on the fraction of iron atoms in the i-th position in respective surrounding j on the degree of substituting x in AlxFe3 – xV3O12Mössbauer Diagnostics of the Isomorphic Substitution of Iron for Aluminum in Triclinic Iron Vanadate. Pankratov D.A., Yur’ev A.I. //Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics. 2013. V.77. №6. P.759-764.Search the full text below. Ищи полный текст ниже.

Mössbauer spectroscopy and X-ray powder diffractometry (XRD) phase analysis are used to study mixed vanadates with the composition AlxFe3– xV3O12, where x is 0, 0.3, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.7 and 3.0. Mössbauer spectroscopy is used to study the distribution of trivalent cations over different crystallographic positions. It is shown that the distribution of aluminum atoms differs from those expected from statistic and thermodynamic models.

Materials based on iron and vanadium compounds, which include material doped by transition or nontransition metals, are widely used as catalysts and sensor materials. Apart from solid solutions, two individual compounds form in the iron(III) oxide–vanadium(V) oxide system in particular: Fe2V4O13 and FeVO4. In turn, iron ortovanadate FeVO4 crystallizes depending on the conditions in an orthorhombic or triclinic system. In addition to its use in catalysis, triclinic iron vanadate has recently attracted attention due to its interesting magnetic properties. The type of iron vanadate formed at normal pressures is a multiferroic, and antiferromagnetic ordering is observed in it at temperatures below 22 K.


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